According to a filing with regulators on Monday, Hasdex has asked the Securities Exchange Commission to approve an amendment that would allow the digital asset management firm to include XRP, Solana, Cardano and other major counterfeit products in its Hashdex Nasdaq Crypto Index U.S. ETF (NCIQ). The fund is currently focused on Bitcoin, tracking a smaller percentage of Ethereum, and will also include Chaingram, Uniswap, Litecoin, and Avalanche. The filing comes as publishers work on adding crypt...
根据周一向监管机构提交的一份文件,Hasdex已要求美国证券交易委员会批准一项修正案,允许这家数字资产管理公司在其Hashdex纳斯达克加密指数美国ETF(NCIQ)中加入XRP、Solana、Cardano和其他主要的山寨币。 该基金目前主要关注比特币,追踪较小比例的以太坊,还将包括链克、Uniswap、莱特币和Avalanche。在提交该文件之际,发行商们正致力于在其加...
Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) delays approval of grey release spot Cardano (ADA) ETF.
Charles Hoskinson, founder of Cardano (ADA), said he knew nothing about "the Trump team's quest to include ADA in cryptocurrency reserves." We had no idea about it, and nobody talked to us about it. I woke up on March 2 to 150 messages of congratulations, but really didn't know what was going on, Charles Hoskinson added.
Cardano(ADA)创始人 Charles Hoskinson 称自己对「特朗普团队寻求将 ADA 纳入加密货币储备」一事一无所知。 我们根本不知道这件事,也没有人跟我们谈过这件事。3 月 2 日醒来时,我收到了 150 条祝贺信息,但真的不知道到底发生了什么。Charles Hoskinson 补充表示。
During the broadcast, Charles Hoskinson announced that he would be traveling to Japan with the Cardano community on Friday, where he would talk about Cardano's budget and other issues, and also mentioned that "Cardano is for the world" and "Cardano is for the world".
在直播中 Charles Hoskinson 声称,自己将在周五同 Cardano 社区一起前往日本,会在那里谈论 Cardano 的预算以及等等问题,并且还提到“Cardano 是给世界的”,“Cardano is for the world”。
According to a White House source, Cardano co-founder Charles Hoskinson was not invited to the White House Cryptocurrency Summit on March 8. Previously, Donald Trump announced on the social platform Truth Social that Cardano's token ADA would be included in the US crypto reserve, driving the price of ADA up by 100% at one point. However, sources said that Cardano was not involved in policy discussions and was not invited to meet with the government. Hoskinson had previously hinted that he would ...
据美国白宫消息人士透露,Cardano 联合创始人 Charles Hoskinson 未受邀参加 3 月 8 日的白宫加密货币峰会。 此前,Donald Trump 在社交平台 Truth Social 宣布,Cardano 的代币 ADA 将被纳入美国加密储备,推动 ADA 价格一度上涨 100%。然而,消息人士称,Cardano 方面未曾参与政策讨论,也未被邀请与政府会面。Hoskinson 此前暗示将出席支持加密行业的 PAC MAGA Inc. 筹款晚宴,但白宫表示他并未受...
Charles Hoskinson, founder of Cardano, addressed Mr. Musk on the X platform, saying: "Musk, do you want to fix Dogecoin and make it the standard currency on the X platform? I have the Bitcoin 2 roadmap I wrote a few years ago." Previously, Trump announced his intention to include five cryptocurrencies, including Cardano (ADA), in the US cryptocurrency strategic reserve.
Cardano创始人Charles Hoskinson在X平台发文喊话马斯克,他表示:“马斯克,你想修复狗狗币,并让其成为X平台上的标准货币吗?我有几年前写的Bitcoin 2路线图。” 此前消息,特朗普宣布拟将包括Cardano(ADA)在内的五种加密货币纳入美国加密战略储备。
According to 8Marketcap data, Bitcoin's market value rose rapidly to hit $2.085 trillion, a 24-hour increase of 8.85%, surpassing silver, Saudi Aramco, and Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF to the seventh place in the global asset rankings, Cardano climbed 386 places to touch 39.16 billion dollars, rising to 591, a 24-hour increase of 68.69%.
据8Marketcap数据显示,比特币市值迅速上涨触及2.085万亿美元,24小时涨幅8.85%,超越白银、沙特阿美、和Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF升至全球资产排名第7位,Cardano则攀升386位触及391.6亿美元,升至第591位,24小时涨幅68.69%。
Ethereum Foundation researcher Danny Ryan announced on the X platform that he has joined Etherealize as a co-creator to help Ethereum develop, and Vitalik Buterin welcomed it. Last September, Danny Ryan, a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, announced his departure, bringing to an end his seven-year contribution to the Ethereum ecosystem. Ryan said on GitHub that the departure was for personal reasons and wanted to make room for new opportunities, stressing that the decision did not reflect p...